Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ballooning Pictures

Coachella Valley Farm Watch Report


This report will reflect information obtained on approximately 165 incidents of what may be criminal acts, centering primarily on and as a result of manned hot air balloon flights in the Coachella Valley.  This information along with numerous videos and still photographs in support of personal observation was obtained by members of CRCPTF (California Rural Crime Prevention Task Force) and local Farm Watch.   Photographs, videos, and written reports of the CRCPTF and Farm Watch members have been prepared so as to maintain biographical standards and the chain of evidence.  In accordance with existing law and standard ethical procedures, specific names will be omitted, until appropriate releases are obtained.  This information was obtained during the period of November 2012 through March 2013.


In early January 2013, one of the Farm Watch members was parked on Jackson St. observing and photographing a manned balloon flying at a very low altitude and “buzzing” several horses on a Horse Ranch and Riding Academy.  This action caused the horses to panic and bolt, creating a dangerous situation for some valuable horses, and also creating a dangerous situation in another area of the farm where children were riding horses.   While the Farm Watch member was observing the balloon landing on an area next to the horse pasture, he was approached by a very angry horse ranch owner, who thought he was a part of the balloon crew.  The Farm Watch member advised her to the contrary, and recommended she call the Sheriff’s and file a complaint, which she did. 

Subsequent to the arrival and departure of the Sheriff’s Department, the Farm Watch member was again approached by the Horse Ranch owner and related that she would like to have copies of his photographs as evidence, and also related that she had talked to the balloon Pilot, and he was verbally abusive to her, and advised her that she knew nothing about horses, and that in fact horses love balloons!  The Balloon Pilot further implied that he was acting in accordance with FAA regulations and that he could fly and land wherever he wished. The Farm Watch member advised the Ranch owner that she could subpoena the photos and himself as an eye witness to the incident.  The Ranch owner advised that she was impressed with the Farm Watch member, and wanted to hire him to watch for the balloonist, and have them arrested if they trespassed on her property again.  The Farm Watch member advised that she could not hire him, but as a Farm Watch member, and a member of CRCPTF, she could provide him with a letter of authority to act as her agent in matters of this nature.  

The Horse Ranch owner was given a standard form used by Police and Sheriff’s Departments for providing authority to act as her agent; she then changed the form to reflect the specific nature of her property, and signed and returned it to the Farm Watch member.

The Horse Farm owner apparently shared this experience with several other Ranch and farm owners, as the Farm Watch member began getting calls from people wanting the same arrangement for their respective properties.   Additional letters of authority were signed resulting in approximately 20 owners or managers being provided the service.  These additional 20 people own or manage more than 10,000 acres of land in Coachella Valley that is either under cultivation, used as Horse ranches, or local and international  Equestrian Training facilities,  and they are  exceedingly angry about the harassment they receive from the Balloon Pilots and crews, and they want something done about them!

Of the approximately 165 manned balloon flights recorded and photographed by the Farm Watch members, a violation of Criminal Laws or FAA regulations and FAA recommend procedures occurred.  These violations include flying at altitudes below FAA requirements, over high voltage power lines; residential areas and private homes, where  home owners called out the Fire Department due to the fear of a crash into homes;  trespassing on clearly posted land; touch and go in cultivated fields; damaging crops, and knocking down fences on posted land.  Some of the flights included “buzzing” and harassing very valuable horses and livestock; landing within a Municipality approximately 30 feet from gasoline pumps; flying so low over a High School Soccer field that the game was interrupted and the field cleared; at a large race track construction sight, workers were forced to abandon scaffolding and retreat to the ground for fear of being struck by the Balloon basket, and numerous interruptions of take offs and landings at the Thermal Airport.  The FBO at Thermal Airport will verify unsafe acts by balloonists, and that she has made reports to FAA and requested action to prevent future incidents.  She has also requested copies of the photographs taken of violations at the Thermal Airport.   The Farm Watch members are eye witnesses to the Airport incidents, and the FBO has given FAA their names.

The Coachella Valley is a prime agricultural area, and is well known for its several specialty and valuable permanent crops, such as dates and other deciduous fruit.  There have been several incidents of damage to crops by Balloonists and their chase crews, who tear down fences and gates to reach and break down and haul away Balloons and passenger baskets.  They drive into ripe fields of winter vegetables, even as they are being harvested.  Balloons have flown so low that they have crashed into date trees, destroying date bunches which generally hold 150 to 200 pounds or more of fruit.  Collectively, the costs to farmers can be significant during an entire season of this type of reckless and damaging conduct on the part of the Balloon crews and pilots. 

When questioned or challenged on the conduct and actions, the balloonists, their spokespersons and legal representatives have answered publicly and on numerous occasions through the newspapers, their websites and other media that they are acting in accordance with FAA regulations, and claim that they have in fact been vetted by the FAA and are in full compliance.  Based upon their public statements, they have claimed to be acting under the veil of authority of the FAA.   It is very clear that the FAA has not condoned the conduct and unlawful actions of the numerous balloon companies that are operating in Southern California.

More recently one of the Farm Watch members was out observing Balloon Flights, and taking photographs, and as he drove South on Polk Street leaving the area where a balloon crew was breaking down the balloon after their flight, one of the balloon crew members threw a section of steel chain directly at the Farm Watch member, striking his vehicle, breaking the windshield.  This was not only dangerous and unprovoked; in accordance with California Criminal Law, it may violate several parts of the California Penal Code, including various Felony sections.  The Farm Watch member had made no contact with any of the balloon crew nor was he speeding or driving erratically.  The incident was reported to the Sheriff’s Department, and is currently under criminal investigation.

Balloon Pilots and Crewmembers frequently threaten, stalk, make obscene gestures, block the path of vehicles, and intimidate anyone who they feel may be photographing or videoing their conduct and activities.  Several of the land owners, managers, and their field workers have been threatened by the chase crews of the Balloon companies.  A friend or part time crew member of one Balloon company threatened a Farm Watch member by telling him that “he was a Law Enforcement Officer, and that he was going to find out where he (the Farm Watch member) lived, and “pay him a visit”.  The Farm Watch member asked to see his credentials and he was refused.   It was later learned that the crewmember was a Firefighter with Cal Fire.  More recently, one of the Farm Watch members was advised by a Ranch foreman that the Balloon crews were telling the Field workers on the farm that the Farm Watch members are actually undercover immigration agents who are taking pictures of them to get the Ranch owner in trouble and deport any of the field workers who do not have proof of citizenship, apparently trying to create ill feeling toward the Farm Watch members.

It has also been observed by the Farm Watch members that at end of most Balloon flights alcoholic beverages are served to the passengers, and crew openly on City and County Streets, and is advertised on Balloon Companies websites as one of the benefits of the Balloon rides.  The consumption of alcohol on public streets and roadways is regulated by State laws and local ordinances, and is a violation of several County and Municipal Codes.            


While it is recognized that manned and unmanned Balloons are an attractive activity, and people often like to watch the “Pretty Balloons”,  recently, the owners, pilots, chase crew, and occasionally passengers, have become a very costly nuisance and a danger to a large and important segment of the Coachella Valley, including local airports.

Balloon Pilots and their employees have been continuously and increasingly engaging in very unprofessional and illegal conduct, showing disdain for FAA recommended rules of operation, an arrogant disregard for property rights, agricultural crops, valuable horses and livestock, and their fellow human beings.  Their crew members continue the blocking of traffic, stalking, and the intimidation of persons and workers who are lawfully pursuing their respective duties in pursuit of their livelihood. As a result of the aggressive behavior of the Balloon Pilots and chase crews, the Farm Watch members have adopted the self protective procedure of calling the Sheriff’s Department Dispatch Center each time they are out observing Balloon flights, and advise the dispatchers of their respective locations at all times. In the past several months Farm Watch members have devoted more than 5000 man hours observing, reporting, and photographing the unsafe and illegal actions of the manned balloon Pilots and chase crews in the Coachella Valley, and their clear and present dangerous and unprofessional conduct  has reached a level that should no longer be tolerated.

Members of Farm Watch, three FAA officials, and Deputies of The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department recently met at the Thermal, California Riverside County Sheriff’s Station for the purpose of presenting a series of photographs and accounts of numerous balloon flights wherein dangerous, unsafe and criminal acts that were perpetrated by the balloonists.  FAA officials were surprised at the photographs, and advised they would try to spend more time in the desert when possible,   However, FAA regulates equipment and Pilots and their licenses, and have implied that it does not regulate the operation of manned balloon flights, and therefore takes the position that the problem of trespassing, crop damage, dangerously low flights and other unsafe acts or crimes is a local Government and Law Enforcement problem.  The Sheriff’s Department indicated they would co-operate in any way they could, and would step up the response to calls of this nature when possible, as they, like the FAA, are somewhat limited due to budget constraints. 

In view of this, the aforementioned property owners, managers, and training facility operators are unhappy and angry, and their numbers are growing.  The more than 5,000 hours of monitoring and reporting supported by several thousand photographs and video’s showing unsafe and illegal acts perpetrated by manned balloon Pilots and their crew members represents only ‘the tip of the iceberg” as to the problems created for a very large segment of property owners and managers in the lower Coachella Valley. 

These hard working and honest people seem intent upon pursuing whatever remedies that may be available to them, and have expressed the fact that they are baffled that this continuing pattern of dangerous and illegal acts has been allowed to continue for so long, with apparent impunity.  In the interest of insuring Public Integrity, the time has come for local Government Officials to step in where FAA fears to tread and enact regulatory measures, to protect their constituents land and crops, and to insure the safety of the airports, school functions, construction workers, farm and ranch owners and their employees!

The following items are available upon request:

  1. Written reports of Farm Watch Volunteers
  2. More than 6500 photographs and video’s related to crimes and harassment, by manned balloon pilots and their crew members.
  3. Sheriff’s Department daily dispatch logs of Farm Watch safety check in-calls indicating time and locations
  4. Names of Farm Watch eyewitnesses
  5. Names of eyewitnesses, to crimes and harassment by manned balloon pilots and their crew members, who are landowners, managers, horse farm owners, equestrian training facilities owners, Thermal airport officials, Coachella Valley High School officials, and construction company officials
  6. Sheriff’s Department reports of criminal conduct complaints that can be obtained by subpoena
  7. Names of FAA Officials and Sheriff’s Department personnel who have been contacted or who have attended meetings regarding the problems with manned balloon flights in the Coachella Valley